Mountaineering Courses in India
Primarily there are four types of mountaineering courses:
Basic Mountaineering Course (BMC)
Search And Rescue(SAR)
Advanced Mountaineering Course (AMC)
Method of Instruction(MOI)
BMC and AMC are normally for duration of 28 days, while SAR and MOI could vary from 15-21 days. To undergo the AMC you need an A grade in BMC, and A grade in AMC for the other two.
India has many institutes, offering these mountaineering courses:
1) Nehru Institute of Mountaineering (NIM),
Uttarkashi - 249193,Uttarakhand
Email: nimutk2004@gmail.com,
Tel: 9997 254 854 (Principal),
01374-222123 (Registrar),
7060 717 717 (Training)
Website - www.nimindia.net
2) Himalayan Mountaineering Institute - HMI
Jawahar Parvat, Darjeeling – 734101.
West Bengal, India.
Website - www.hmidarjeeling.com
3) The Jawahar Institute of Mountaineering and Winter Sports (JIM & WS)
C/O JIM & WS, Nunwan, Pahalgam
Distt: Anantnag (J&K) Pin-192126
Nunwan Pahalgam (J&K)
Ph.: 01936-243002 Fax: 91-01936-243129
Ph.: 01936-243129 (Training Section)
Ph.: 01936-243002 (PA to Principal)
E-mail: principal@jawaharinstitutepahalgam.com
Website - www.jawaharinstitutepahalgam.com
4) Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Mountaineering and Allied Sports - ABVIMAS
Left Bank, Aleo, opposite to Hotel Honeymoon,
Teh Manali, Distt. Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh
Pin Code - 175131
Email - abvimasmanali@gmail.com
Director : 01902-255313,
Joint Director : 01902-255315
Superintendent :- 01902-255312
Training :- 01902-255316
Website - www.abvimas.org
5) National Institute of Mountaineering and Adventure Sports - NIMAS
Dirang, West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, Pin- 790101
E-mail - info@nimasdirang.com, nimas.trg@gmail.com
Course Related Queries: +91-9774731855
Booking Related Queries: +91-7640002112
Website - www.nimasdirang.com
6) Indian Himalayan Centre for Adventure & Eco Tourism - IHCAE
Chemchey, P.O. Damthang, District Namchi , Sikkim – 737126
+91 9339256495
E-mail - ihcaesikkimofficial@gmail.com
Website - www.ihcaesikkim.com